
Discerningly Versed - Effective Iterative Learning Quiz Questions - Gloucester History III
Discerningly Versed - Effective Iterative Learning

King George III first visited Gloucestershire in 1788 to visit


Cheltenham Racecourse
Cheltenham Spa
Fox Hunting
Gloucester Cathedral

In 1642 the main obstacles to the King & 30 000 men taking the City were


Gloucester Castle
Parliamentary Forces
2 miles of ancient walls

St Peters Abbey bacame a Cathedral under


Henry V
Henry III
Elizabeth I
Henry VIII

During the Civil War the Puritan town withstood how long a Royalist siege ?


26 day
3 day
1 year
3 month

In 1998 what was re-opened after restoration as a Heritage Centre ?


Gloucester Cathedral
Gloucester Castle
Gloucester Docks
Berkeley Castle

During the middle ages declined as a port mainly with the growth of



During WWII Gloucester became important for the production of



In 2003 the City of Gloucester had a population of


210 000
55 000
110 000
75 000

Who was famously born in Gloucester in 1350 ?


Dick Whittington
William Shakespeare
Dr Foster
Queen Mary

The fortunes of Gloucester docks revived in 1827 due to


Decline of Bristol
Demand for Wool
Industrial Revolution
Gloucester Sharpness Canal

Discerningly Versed www.dniv.com 2012